A Brief Introduction to Channeling

There are many ways loving, compassionate and wise non-physical Beings from higher dimensions can connect and communicate with us while in physical form in this material dimension. Our higher spiritual senses—those beyond our five physical senses—allow us to receive messages and inspiration from the Beings who support us during our journey on Earth. Each of us has a Cosmic Team of wise and loving Beings who guide and help us, and each of us has the non-physical senses that allow us to receive and interpret spiritual information and inspiration. We can receive guidance while in the dream state, during meditation or when connecting with nature. We can receive wisdom and insight through inner hearing, inner knowing, inner feeling and/or inner seeing.

Channeling is a method of communicating with higher dimensional energy. During the channeling process, a bridge is formed between the spiritual realm and the physical realm and a connection made between a non-physical Being (or Beings) and the physical being who receives the information. The energies join together, and the channel non-verbally or telepathically receives the energies of the messages and translates them into words. The messages are typically shared or recorded through speaking or writing. The Beings of Love, Light and Truth in the Upper Realms wish to share their wisdom, guidance, love and support for the benefit of All and in service to humanity. They provide wisdom and inspiration for our personal and spiritual growth and for the evolution and advancement of humanity and the Earth. They have an elevated perspective and higher consciousness that support our spiritual awakening and help us grow and evolve. The words of their messages carry specific energies or vibrations and activations that awaken us to and help us remember who we really Are and support us in our evolution and enlightenment.

Some people who channel remain conscious while they receive and translate messages, while others enter into a trance or semi-unconscious state. The latter might not recall what was said or transmitted during the trance state. Either way, it is always possible to know whether or not the information received is for the highest good. The messages will always be loving, inspiring, beneficial, benevolent and supportive, and their sources will never tell us what to do. When I receive channeled messages, I remain in an aware and alert state. I “hear” the messages telepathically and record them through the process known as automatic writing. I feel the loving and supportive energies of the Beings of Light who are transmitting the messages; I intuitively know how they want me to record the information; and I see in my mind’s eye images that help illustrate the points being made. We are blessed to be able to connect and communicate with these Loving Beings who want to serve and assist us. They want us to know the Truth and help us serve humanity and the planet in the highest ways possible.


The Sea of Unity and Oneness: A Channeling on Co-Creating Peace